091: Palo Alto

Donate to da pod! https://www.buymeacoffee.com/midlifesurfer

Produced by Adam Montiel @adamontheair — be sure to check Adam’s daily podcast Up + Adam with Adam Montiel (click here). 

Email: midlifesurfer@gmail.com for questions, criticisms, and requests.

Website: http://midlifesurfer.com

Insta: @midlifesurferpodcast

Intro/outro music: Playboi Carti “Magnolia” http://www.cashcarti.com/


090: Triple Decker w/ Timber Surf Co’s Ryan Lynch y James Jenkins

Donate to da pod! https://www.buymeacoffee.com/midlifesurfer

Produced by Adam Montiel @adamontheair

Enjoy Adam’s daily podcast Up + Adam with Adam Montiel (click here). 

Email: midlifesurfer@gmail.com for questions, criticisms, requests, favors, advice, and inspiration.

Website: http://midlifesurfer.com

Insta: @midlifesurferpodcast

Music intro/outro: Tortoise “Benway” & “Six Pack” http://www.trts.com

089: Endtroducing James

The podcast limps! In accord with our luke-warm quest to provide pod content, we continue to exploit surf friends, old and new. James Boobeedoo Jenkins is the latter. 2025 LFG.

Donate to da pod! https://www.buymeacoffee.com/midlifesurfer

Produced by Adam Montiel @adamontheair — be sure to check Adam’s daily podcast Up + Adam with Adam Montiel (click here). 

Email: midlifesurfer@gmail.com for questions, criticisms, and requests.

Website: http://midlifesurfer.com

Insta: @midlifesurferpodcast

Intro/outro music: Playboi Carti “Magnolia” http://www.cashcarti.com/


088: Baja Live (to Tape)!

Bucky, Jason, y yo. Talking in Baja. Enjoy.

Donate to da pod! https://www.buymeacoffee.com/midlifesurfer

Produced by Adam Montiel @adamontheair — be sure to check Adam’s daily podcast Up + Adam with Adam Montiel (click here). 

Email: midlifesurfer@gmail.com for questions, criticisms, and requests.

Website: http://midlifesurfer.com

Insta: @midlifesurferpodcast

Music intro/outro: Tortoise “Benway” & “Six Pack” http://www.trts.com


087: Mark Louis Campbell

“A smooth sea never made a smooth sailor” – Franklin D. Roosevelt

In this episode of Midlife Surfer, Mark Louis Campbell joins the pod to discuss more LIFE than surf. Don’t worry, we work in some hot surf talk, too 😉

More information on his retreats can be found at thepeculiarway.org and also at loosechangeretreats.com

You can follow Mark @marklouiscampbell

Donate to da pod! https://www.buymeacoffee.com/midlifesurfer

Produced by Adam Montiel @adamontheair

Follow Adam’s daily podcast, called Up + Adam with Adam Montiel & his wine-centric pod, Where Wine Takes You.

Email: midlifesurfer@gmail.com for questions, criticisms, and requests.

Website: http://midlifesurfer.com

Insta: @midlifesurferpodcast

Intro/outro music: Playboi Carti “Magnolia” http://www.cashcarti.com/


086: Quick Hit Live from 880 South

Donate to da pod! https://www.buymeacoffee.com/midlifesurfer

Produced by Adam Montiel @adamontheair — be sure to check Adam’s daily podcast Up + Adam with Adam Montiel (click here). 

Email: midlifesurfer@gmail.com for questions, criticisms, and requests.

Website: http://midlifesurfer.com

Insta: @midlifesurferpodcast

Music intro/outro: Tortoise “Benway” & “Six Pack” http://www.trts.com


084: Shark

Donate to da pod! https://www.buymeacoffee.com/midlifesurfer

Produced by Adam Montiel @adamontheair — be sure to check Adam’s daily podcast Up + Adam with Adam Montiel (click here). 

Email: midlifesurfer@gmail.com for questions, criticisms, and requests.

Website: http://midlifesurfer.com

Insta: @midlifesurferpodcast

Music intro/outro: Tortoise “Benway” & “Six Pack” http://www.trts.com


083: Dan Fischer, One Last Wave Project

The pod limps on!

Dan Fischer, founder of the One Last Wave Project, shares his personal story of loss, grief and surf. The mission of his organization is to “harness the healing power of the ocean to help grieving families coping with the loss of a loved one.”

Visit onelastwaveproject.com to learn more; and check out his beautiful feature on ESPN here.

Follow One Last Wave here @onelastwaveproject

Ryan Lynch of Timber Surf Co. produce the latest board of OLW’s project. Follow Timber Surf Co. here @timbersurfco

Donate to the show: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/midlifesurfer

Produced by Adam Montiel @adamontheair, who has a much better podcast called “Where Wine Takes You”

Email: midlifesurfer@gmail.com

Website: http://midlifesurfer.com

Instagram: @midlifesurferpodcast

Intro/outro music: Playboi Carti “Magnolia” http://www.cashcarti.com/


082: Curse the Cyclists

Donate to da pod! https://www.buymeacoffee.com/midlifesurfer


Produced by Adam Montiel @adamontheair, who has a mas mejor podcast called “Where Wine Takes You”


Email: midlifesurfer@gmail.com for questions, criticisms, and requests.


Website: http://midlifesurfer.com


Insta: @midlifesurferpodcast


Music intro/outro: Tortoise “Benway” & “Six Pack” http://www.trts.com

